Sunday, August 30, 2009

Triads - Trikonas in Astrology

The Triads-Trikonas in Astrology

Means the present, future and past.
Native-his children-His Father. (The circle of Evolution).
The 9th house of last birth is 5th house of this present Birth.
The 10th house of the Last Birth is the 6th house of this Birth.

To have a remedial measure work in this Life, one needs to have his 5th and 9th house strong.
The 5th and 9th house reveal the real inbuilt nature of the native.

The Trikonas have their own meanings.
For Profession 2-6-10
For Marriage 2-7-11
For Child Birth 2-5-11
For Foreign 3-9-12

Is the GraveYard of all planets.
Here the wealth is hidden.
8th is the mystery house.
Through here you get unearned income.
12th is the house of expenditures and also investment.

10th is Name and fame through Profession.
6th is day to day work. Without work one cannot have name-fame and Dhana.
2 is Dhana or Income.
Even If all these houses are spoiled yet the 10th never lets a person down for 2 square meals if one works sincerely and honestly.
That is why we never find any ordinary worker also sleeping hungry at night.

For business one requires efforts, and 7th house connections and 11th of course for gains.
3rd would be for communications with people represented through 7th through whom you
will acquire gains -11th.

Without these activated one cannot go abroad.

I will come later on the mystery houses, especially 8th, which was the 12th house of our previous Birth. But when I am more free to write on same.

Child Promised ? Male or Female ? KP Significators

Child Promised ? Sex Determination through KrishnaMurthy Padhaty
In both the Natal and Horary Charts check the 5th Cusp Sub Lords.
(Also remember Jupiter is Karaka for child)

Child Promised
If 5th SL is connected with Houses 2,5 and 11, and Jupiter, then promise of child is there to the native.

No Child
If 5th SL is connected with Houses 4,10 amd 12 plus Barren signs (Aries, Gemini,Leo,Virgo)
or connected with Saturn,Rahu or Ketu , then there would be no child to the native.

Male Child
If 5th SL is connected with Mars,Sun and Jupiter, then Child would be Male

Female Child
If 5th SL is connected with Moon,Venus and Saturn then child would be female.

If 5th SL is connected to Mercury,Jupiter and Dual signs, then Twins.

If 5th SL connected with Saturn or Mercury, then Eunuch.

Role of planetary Influences
At the time of Birth, The dasha and Bhukti Lords also play some role.

Odd & Even Signs
Planets deposited in Odd signs indicate Male child and in even signs indicate female child.

Delayed Child
If 5th SubLord shows promise of child but the Dasha Lords do not approve, then
child is there, but delayed.

Prosperity after Child Birth
If in child's chart Jupiter is connected with 1st,2nd,5th, 9th or 10th house, then the child
birth would indicate prosperity for the family.

There are hundreds of other rules, for step Mother,adoption,child abuse, only one child, relationship of child with parents, hereditary diseases to the child, child being brought up by foster parents etc. which we may look into some another day.

Maya and Retrogression of Planets

Everything is Maya here till one understands the actual truth.

The Sun setting is a Maya for many who don't know that the Sun is always there..
The Flat earth was a Maya till they understood it is round.
You and me are Maya until we go up.
Pluto was a Maya until now till they understood that it is not a Planet.
When we say that two planets are in conjunction in same degrees, does not mean that they are actually kissing each other.
Because when we watch from a point on earth the angular distance makes them to be seen
together from here, whereas they may be millions of Miles or Light Years away from each other. This is Maya.
The 7 colors of the Rainbow may be Maya for us, for actually there may be many more, but we will have to reach the heavens to know the truth.
The space we know of as empty, may not be actually so, there may be many worlds there in the Universe, which may not be seen with our eyes through the mortal body.. There may be many more Universes we may not know of.
The 3 dimensions we know may be Mayavic truth, whereas there may be another dimension too which this physical body may not be able to fathom, and which may be the truth.

There are hundreds of such truths we know as truth, till we come to know what actually the
truth is. Till then, it is all Mayavic truth for us.

Remember truth is a relative term. For the person who has never come out of a island in remote jungle, a tape recording voice of a tiger growling may be truth to him, that a tiger is there nearby.
For a very great astrologer just watching a Natal chart without planetary degrees given , for few moments glance may bring out the truth whereas for mediocre astrologers, it may not come out
even with hundreds of statistical Data sheets taken out of the Printer .
The quotient is realization. The more realization and intuition coupled with studies one may have devoted to, the more nearer to the truth would he be.

In a Divine science like astrology, it is very necessary and a boon for all of us, that there are no single shot rules working for cause and effect in reality. And rightly so, for
astrology is not meant to be in hands of every Harry,Dick and Tom. There has to be a mixture, a synthesis of rules, with proper study of Bhanga (Cancellation of these Rules)part of these, along with the other requisites I mentioned above, for one to predict. It cannot be everyone's cup of tea.

Talking of retrogression, when we are traveling in a train, sitting near the window, and when another train passes speedily on the parallel track next to ours, we feel sitting in our train, that our train is actually going behind, when the truth is that it is also moving forward, but slow in comparison to the other train which we are watching. This is the same state of retrogression of planets. All imaginary.

We can never be able to interpret retrogression completely because there are various angles to each.

1) Retrograde Planet in The Kendras.
2) Retrograde Planet in evil Houses.
3) Retrograde planets as Lords of evil Houses.
4) Retrograde planets as benefic Lords
5) Retrograde planets in conjunction with other retrograde planet.
6) Retrograde planet in conjunction with Exalted Planet.
7) Retrograde Planet in conjunction with Debilitated Planet.
8) Retrograde planet in own house.
9) Retrograde planet in inimical house.
10)Retrograde planet coming out of debilitation.
11)Retrograde planet moving towards exaltation.
12)Retrograde planet in 6,8,12th in Natal but in good house in Navamsha chart.

I can write another 20 placements like above. Can anyone possibly answer the results of all above? Then there are 9 Planets and 12 houses. How to contend with so many permutations

and combinations ? It is not possible humanely.

But individually answers can be sought and found. Every astrologer has to search for his own way and style of judgment which should be changeable and flexible throughout his Life. Intuition has to be developed, which would give the answer when one is
watching a chart. There can be no hard and fast or rigid rules for retrogression. Everyone has to find his own answer. Because there are contradictory results written by various famous astrologers, so which one to believe and which one to not ?
This has to be an individual decision.
Therefore we may be able to/ and we may not be able to so far interpret retrogression completely. Depends on individual to individual.

Yet we do have some basic rules on retrograde planets which we shall take up some other day.

Astrological Pointers to Education

Astrological Pointers to Education
The 4th, 9th and 11th are the houses to be studied in any Horoscope if one wishes to
check ones education . 4th is to be seen for academic, school upto SSc level or school level and B.Com graduation or College levels maximum. 9th to be seen for Higher educations or Phd,Research, Chartered Accountancy, Law, Actuary, Doctorate, etc. and others where deep study is required. 11th connected to above would show fulfillment. 3rd connected to above would show hindrances. 8th connected to above would show stoppage or disconnections. 6th house too would denote a person preparing for competitive examinations like CET,CAT, entrance as such , because 6th shows laborious hours given to study and also 12th from 7th which means loss to others and gains to You in competition.
Mercury and Jupiter would be natural Karakas (Significators)for Education.

Break in Educations
This is individual destiny that even with best of intellect,
resources, and conducive atmosphere, one is not able to complete his education.
Normally if you see the reasons in thousands of cases it all comes
down to 3rd and 8th houses and also the 10th figuring in the Calculations.
These are 12th or negation to the houses of completion of study
i.e. 4th ,9th and 11th.

Suppose in case when a school going childs father gets transferred quite frequently to various cities due to his profession or service, then in the boys chart every time his 3rd house would be activated. Or if sudden accident or hospitalization occurs at time of SSC or Board examinations then his 8th house would be activated.
Or at B. Com level starting if any boy who has family business and his father needs him in the business then his 10th house would be activated. In all above cases breaks would be there in education.

I want to write more on this, but some other time. because other houses also play a part like 5th
(would cause laziness), 9 + 10th, 8 + 9th and many other such combinations which will cover all practical
cases where we don’t find apparent reasons for one not completing his education though person is very smart and born in affluent family with own study room, enough money, tuitions, coaching classes, and access to all modern means of increasing ones levels of understanding
the subject he is into.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Marriage and Divorce Pointers in Astrology

Normally only the 7th House is seen for marriage,in a Horoscope, but this is not the case always, even if the 2nd and the 11th house is activated, by MahaDasha or antarDasha then the marriage can take place in that period. Why ? because the 2nd house also means the family would grow and 11th also means longterm relationship or friendship in otherwords. 7th we already know very well about.

Seperation or Divorce
For seperation for some time or divorce one may also check the houses 1st, 6th and the 10th for
the cause, whether these show up in any way when the incident took place. Here these
houses come up because 1st is the 12th to 2nd, 6th is the 12th to 7th and 10th is the 12th from 11th.

One may also find in case of legal seperations ie. documented seperation or legal divorce,
the third house also figuring most of the times, alongwith the aforesaid ones.
The 12th also comes up if either of the spouse runs away or leaves the other and goes
in another place.
In cases where either husband or wife leaves another if one is suffering from
diseases like AIDs etc. check if the Dasha shows the 6th and 12th house in action.

Venus would be the natural karaka or Significator for Marriage.

Author Bhaskar Jyotish on Ancient Indian Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Horoscopes, Predictive astrology, Nakshatra or Constellations and Spirituality and Art of Living.


Profession and Finances - Which Houses to check in a Horoscope ?

The Sun is the main Governor for Profession and independent business, while Saturn for Job or service, or employment.

The Role of the 6th house in Finance, Business or Employment
The 6th house shows the service one will do and also money received from those services given. Not many astrologers remember that the 6th house being 12th to the 7th shows loss to others or of opposite party and gain to self. Normally most see the 6th house only for disease. The 10th house shows one profession which may be both, either service or business.

Service or Job
So for service always check 2nd, 6th and 10th house.

Independent Business or Profession
For independent businesses check houses 2nd, 7th and 10th. 7th is the main house
for dealing with others.

Loss of Job- termination from current Job or employment
Whenever the 1st 5th and 9th House operates,there would be change of profession in ones life. Why because they are 12th from the 2nd, 6th and 10th respectively, Therefore would negate their previous ones.

To see any promotion, rise in career, or fortune, or re-instatement in old service,see houses, 2,6,10 and 11.

For transfer check the houses 3, 10 and 12. Why ?
3rd house indicates journey, being 12th from the 4th shows removal of present residence,or being away from it, i.e..change of place. 10th shows employment we know already from above. and 12th shows life in completely unfamiliar atmosphere or surroundings.

Suspension from Job
For getting suspended from ones job, check houses 1,8,9 and 12.
Again Why ? because 1st is the 12th from 2nd - which means absence of self earning. 8th means suspension in any form or penalty. and since 9th is 12th from the 12th, denotes absence of status, position,power and fame. 12th we all know is loss in general.

For retirement from service or dismissal check houses 1,5,9 and 12. also for loss of
status in any walk of life. Because 5th is the 12th from 6th which denotes absence of
attendance of native from regular duty. Regular attendance in duty is also shown by
the 6th house.

Gratuity and Provident Fund
The 8th House will also show gratuity and provident Fund,if the native is asking about
this at his time of retirement and if 8th house appears in front of astrologer, he should
surmise thus. Of course this 8th house must appear alongwith figures of either, 2, 6 or 11.

Gain of Finance
Houses 2,6th and 11th should be consider for gain of money in any manner.

2nd , 3rd, 6th and 11th should be considered for gain from lottery. 3rd also shows help
received from others by the way.The 8th also shows unearned income.

Speculations and Horse racing
2,5,6 and 11 for gain from speculation and races. 5th also shows inclination of
one towards speculation. Jupiter here becomes the chief significator for Money.

Author Bhaskar Jyotish on Ancient Indian Astrology, Horoscopes, Predictice astrology, Nakshatra or Constellations


Which Houses must one study for child Birth in a Horoscope ?

We should always see the houses 2, 5 and 11 for birth of children.
Why 2nd ? because 2nd house shows increase in numbers of members of ones family ,due to birth of a child, 5th is for conception of pregnancy, or progeny , 11th is the 5th from the 7th .Therefore 5th for females and 11th is important for males.

When no issue is there or away from parents, then check
houses 1, 4 and 10 . Because 12th from itself is maraka/denial/non
existence . here in this case 12th from 2nd is 1, 12th from 5th is
4th and 12th from 11th is the 10th.

Also check the natural significators in Male and females charts.
Jupiter is the natural significator for child birth.
In Males Venus is Fertility and Sun is vitality.
In females Moon is fertility and Mars is menstruation.

The Gold Ring and Ruling Planets

Gold Ring and Ruling Planets

My younger brother has a habit of buying lots of CD's etc. and keeps stacking them in his bedroom making it difficult for it to remain tidy. Today after coming from office he did not find some particular CD he was looking for and started accusing my mother of having touched his things and misplaced them. My mother in a fit of anger which remains subdued most of the time due to our manly atrocities on the poor helpless women, opened his cupboard and threw his rack out on the floor asking him to search for his CD there. In this process many items were flung across the room including his Gold ring which he removes from his palm and keeps in his cupboard after coming from office. After tempers cooled on all sides this was found missing. It being more than Rs.15-20000 in cost my mother naturally got perturbed and made a search for next half hour, and finally came to the only astrologer born in her family. She blamed herself.

I did not make a Horary chart but looked for the RP's

Time of Judgment 7.36pm evening Today 26th August 2009. Bombay
Lagna Aquarius , Star of Jupiter, Moon star Jupiter again. Moon raashi Lord Venus. Day Lord Mercury.

RP's - Saturn, Jupiter,Jupiter, Venus, Mercury.
Rahu to be added in RP as Rahu in sign of Saturn.

Final RP's - Rahu, Jupiter,Jupiter,Venus,Mercury.
I do not cancel or delete the planets in stars of retrograde planets, and neither delete the Planets which are retrograde. I keep the retrogression in mind.
I also do not replace (Planet) Saturn with Nodes (In this case Rahu) but keep Rahu in prominence while Saturn behind but not obliterating the same.
The above principles maybe some deviation from normal norms but taught by My guru Sahasneji to us students.

The first thing that struck me was that Jupiter appearing twice meant that The Ring would be found. This was for sure. Because Jupiter is Karaka(Significator) for Gold. Now when it would be found, was the next Question ?

Well now I had just to check the current Lagna (Ascendant) running and the next one.
I found Aquarius was to get over within 24 minutes while Pisces was to begin at 20.00IST and remain uptil 21.35IST.

I checked up what the balance of the Aquarius Lagna had to offer and found two combinations in the balance of this Lagna running. First was Saturn-Jup-Mercury and the next was Sat-Jup-Venus. I have been taught that whenever Saturn appears in the RP's remove the first option and take the subsequent ones. I also made a List of 6 other options and in the meanwhile alerted my mother that the Gold ring would be found within clock striking 9.30pm (Which was app. time for Pisces Lagna to end). I dare not give her the exact time with so many options open up for me. Neither was she expecting this from me. This was enough for her that the ring could be found. For me I had the confidence that Pisces Lagna had to offer many options for the same.

Well they searched once again. And I too searched for about 20 minutes since they could not find the ring and I wanted to be sure about my prediction, but alas I came back to my room without any effective results. In the meanwhile two other options passed and a sense of gloom coming over on me, whether I had made some mistakes in calculations, and should I have taken the results to be offered by a retrograde Jupiter as negative ?

But the Planets were supporting me.

Exactly at 8.42pm my mother came to the room informing me that the ring was found, and she was visibly emotional at having found it. I noted the time to check whether it was there among the options I had selected, and Yes I found it. I had circled Jupiter-Saturn-Rahu among the other options. And that was the Pisces Lagna position when the ring was found.

I ask these questions now to the astrologers reading this Article –

1)Can anybody now explain me, why at 8.42 pm IST the ring was found with Jup-Sat-Rahu appearing as Lagna, Star and Cuspal SubLords ? And why did the Retrogression of Jupiter did not effect this prediction negatively?

2) Why I had circled this option because I could take either Saturn or Rahu but not both, since both were not present in the Ruling planets.

I thank my Guruji for this successful prediction. The soul of an astrologer got contentment from this successful prediction. A son of a mother could provide some happiness to his mother. And a weary, man had a good peaceful sleep that night. (All roles of course played by Myself)

Share - Stock Markets. A True case of Stock Picking

Stock Markets and Share Markets visited.
Am putting a True example of a Query from the Stock Market and the method I use for individual stock pickings.

Date 6th March 2007
Time of Query 08:45:17 (Morning)
Place - Mumbai.

My Client lives at Andheri, and before leaving for his office and before the Markets opened,
he called me to enquire about a Stock. Name was "Renuka Sugar". I had actually
picked my cell and put my handkerchief in my pockets , was about to wear my shoes and
leave, (Had to leave for the Passport office for daughters Passport). The phone rang
just then, and I made his chart immediately by keeping him on hold.
The Horary Number he gave was 221.

Am giving below the Cusps in format Cusp/ Rashi Lord/ Nakshatra Lord/Sub Lord
1st Shani 6,1,12 Rahu 1 Mang 11,3,10
2nd Guru 10,2,11 Budh 12,5,8 Guru 10,2,11
3rd Man 11,3,10 Ravi 1,7 Man 11,3,10
4th Sukr 1,4,9 Man 11,3,10 Rahu 1
5th Budh 12,5,8 Rahu 1 Chan 7,6
6th Chan 7,6 Sat 6,1,12 Guru 10,2,11
7th Ravi 1,7 Sukra 1,4,9 Rahu 1
8th Budh 12,5,8 Man 11,3,10 Guru 10,2,11
9th Sukra 1,4,9 Guru 10,2,11 Sukra 1,4,9
10th Man 11,3,10 Budh, 12,5,8 Rahu 1
11th Guru 10,2,11 Shukr 1,4,9 Rahu 1
12th Sani 6,1,12 Chan 7,6 Guru 10,2,11

Planets given below
Ravi 1,7 Guru 10,2, 11 Guru 10,2,11
Chan 7,6 Chan 7,6 Guru 10,2,11
Man 11,3,10 Chan 7,6 Rahu 1
Budh 12,5,8 Man 11,3,10 Budh 12,5,8
Guru 10,2,11 Budh 12,5,8 Rahu 1
Sukra 1,4,9 Budh 12,5,8 Ravi 1,7
Sani, 6,1,12 Budh, 12,5,8 Rahu 1
Rahu 1 Guru 10,2,11 Sani 6,1,12
Ketu 7 Sukra 1,4,9 Sani 6,1,12

Now we check the 5th Cusp S.Lord. It is Chandra.
What does it signify?
7, 6, again 7, 6 and sub of guru 10,2,11.
My answer was Yes by just one observation of above.
All pointers required (6, 2, 11) are present. But if one wishes to see further then check
the 2nd and 12th S.Lord too.Both in Guru signifying 10,2,11 .
The Chart was running Chandra Md, Guru Antar and Sukra pratyantar till 2.4.2007

My advise to native was-
Buy the stock, and hold till 2nd April 2007. Sell after that date whenever you feel like.
But the Native did not listen fully to me.
He Purchased -
2000 shares on 6th March 2007 @ Rs. 322-each.
Sold all on 26th March 2007 @ Rs.418- Each.
Had he waited till date given he would have got a price of Rs.490- on that Script.

The above prediction was made at a time when the stock Market Indexes were in doldrums and inexplicable, and any Sugar stock was the last one for anyone to bank upon for rising at that time. This prediction stunned the other Players at the Bolt, and they visited me just last week for a annual package which I declined due to small fees offered to me. Astrology should always be held in respect and never treated cheap. We should always be proud of our profession.

The readers here may try this method. It’s very easy, but use it scantily and with respect. Keep some modest fee, if you are an astrologer, so that unnecessary queries are not thrown at you, and precious time is not squandered. In this way they would only ask you if they are serious.

Chanakya Sutras - Pearls of Wisdom

Daavheenam Karya Susadhyamapi Du:Sadhyam Bhavati

When ones Destiny is not favourable , an objective which can be accomplished easily also takes lot of difficulties to be undertaken. But seeing those difficulties, badhas, and hurdles, Purusharthi (Real Men) will yet not leave those tasks but continue to its finish.

Here a point to be noted is that Acharya Chanakya has used the word - Du:Sadhya" and not "Asadhya", meaning that the work undertaking of which produces difficulties in its process of achievement - may be delayed, or efforts may be thwarted , but "Parishram" that is "efforts" if are put up by the Real man, the fruits he will certainly bear of the same.

Na Dev Pramananaam Karya Siddhi :

"My destiny is not right, I will not achieve success in this " - Those who keep such a preset prejudiced thinking in their minds before initiating action, will actually never receive success in their undertakings. Those who rely on their destinies alone and not on their hard work, the positive results of their endevaours will be very weak.