Sunday, August 30, 2009

Child Promised ? Male or Female ? KP Significators

Child Promised ? Sex Determination through KrishnaMurthy Padhaty
In both the Natal and Horary Charts check the 5th Cusp Sub Lords.
(Also remember Jupiter is Karaka for child)

Child Promised
If 5th SL is connected with Houses 2,5 and 11, and Jupiter, then promise of child is there to the native.

No Child
If 5th SL is connected with Houses 4,10 amd 12 plus Barren signs (Aries, Gemini,Leo,Virgo)
or connected with Saturn,Rahu or Ketu , then there would be no child to the native.

Male Child
If 5th SL is connected with Mars,Sun and Jupiter, then Child would be Male

Female Child
If 5th SL is connected with Moon,Venus and Saturn then child would be female.

If 5th SL is connected to Mercury,Jupiter and Dual signs, then Twins.

If 5th SL connected with Saturn or Mercury, then Eunuch.

Role of planetary Influences
At the time of Birth, The dasha and Bhukti Lords also play some role.

Odd & Even Signs
Planets deposited in Odd signs indicate Male child and in even signs indicate female child.

Delayed Child
If 5th SubLord shows promise of child but the Dasha Lords do not approve, then
child is there, but delayed.

Prosperity after Child Birth
If in child's chart Jupiter is connected with 1st,2nd,5th, 9th or 10th house, then the child
birth would indicate prosperity for the family.

There are hundreds of other rules, for step Mother,adoption,child abuse, only one child, relationship of child with parents, hereditary diseases to the child, child being brought up by foster parents etc. which we may look into some another day.

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